Town Hall – Remote Learning

Remote Learning and Our Response to Covid-19, hosted by the Parents Association, Principal Bernadette O’Leary, Vice Principal Paul Kelley, and Development Director Jonna Skokan.

Thank you for your thoughtful questions and words of encouragement. We covered a wide range of topics and we unfortunately ran out of time before we could get to all of your individual questions. Hopefully between this virtual forum and Ms. O’Leary’s August 20th Principal’s Letter, you’ll be able to plan and prepare a little bit more for September. Here are some moments from the town hall we’d like to highlight:

02:15 – Prayer and Introduction, Opening Comments
10:20 – Begin Remote Learning Plans Discussion
15:55 – Attendance, Instructional Hours
17:17 – Testing/Assessments
22:15 – Virtual Platforms, Synchronous vs Asynchronous Discussion
28:47 – Teacher Expectations of Parents, Students
34:13 – Pod-Learning
37:22 – XDC
38:30 – Plans for Re-Opening and In-Person Instruction

Please know that even if your question wasn’t raised at this event, it was certainly seen and discussed. Please let us know if you have any further questions or concerns.

Tricia Kane-Yi and Allan Quiaoit, PA Co-Chairs